Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lost & Found

I can't believe it's been 13 days since my last post. OK, my excuse, I've been knitting. I'm in the final stretch of my sweater, knitting the hood. In order to start this I had to join the shoulder seams and this was the first time I've ever done finishing work. It was scary, but the outcome looks great. I used the directions in Stitch 'n Bitch, by Debbie Stoller. In my knitting class one of the women always laughs when I say stitch 'n bitch--I'm so used to it, I'm not sure what's funny about it!

I just had to go and buy a #7 circular needle for this ribbed hood. I had one, but it was lost when I lost an entire bag of knitting on the subway. The bag included an almost-completed sleeve, (about four weeks of slow knitting) a whole skein of yarn (Lamb's pride, not too expensive) and the instructions I'd been using up until then. I xeroxed the instructions out of the book I bought, but they also had all my chicken scratch from previous pieces. In doing the hood, I've missed having those notes. The upside of this horrible loss was that it made me dive in, more determined to finish after this setback.

I bought the needles at "The Point" a knew knitting cafe on Bedford Street here in Greenwich Village (my office is nearby). A woman in the cafe had also lost her knitting on the subway once a long time ago. Somebody found it and took it home, and when they saw her again on the subway, they returned it to her! Amazing. However this was a long time ago when there were less people in New York. She also told me that the MTA has a lost and found. I looked it up on their website and it's located in the 34th Street and 8th Ave. station. I have to go just to see it. I can't imagine I'll actually find my knitting. . . but you never know. Apparently they sell all the stuff once a year. I am so there!

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